A Personal View Of The
The Internet Subculture
Surrounding the JonBenet Ramsey Murder case

Click "Webdollie" banner for "Guest Index" listing

February 6, 1999
Dave Lucas Show in Albany, New York
JonBenet Ramsey Murder And the Internet Subculture
1:00am-3:00am EST

Guest Line Up Was:
Internet poster named "Lance Matthews"
"Mrs. Brady" of Mrs.Brady's Url's
Darney Hoffman, New York Attorney
Internet Poster named Jameson
Internet Poster named Harmony
Internet poster named Lake
Dale Yeager, Executive Director of Seraph
Internet poster named Janet
Radio caller named George
An unknown female radio caller
An unknown male radio caller


Mrs. Brady of Mrs.Brady's URL's
(approx. 00 mins.)



Darney Hoffman, New York Attorney (Part 1)
(approx. 00 min.)



Darney Hoffman, New York Attorney (Part 2)
Internet poster named Jameson
Internet poster named Harmony
Internet poster named Lake
NOTE: This section is poor quality audio
(approx. 00 min.)



Darney Hoffman, New York Attorney (Part 3)
Internet Poster named Lake
(approx. 3 min.)



Dale Yeager, Executive Director of Seraph (Part 1)
(approx. 00 min.)



Dale Yeager, Executive Director of Seraph (Part 2)
Internet poster named Harmony
Note: Radio transmission was disconnected
(approx. 00 min.)



Dale Yeager, Exec. Director of Seraph (Part 3)
Internet poster named Janet
Internet poster named Harmony
(approx. 00 min.)



Dale Yeager, Exec. Director of Seraph (Part 4)
Radio caller named George
An unknown female caller
An unknown male caller
(approx. 00 min.)



Dale Yeager, Exec. Director of Seraph (Part 5)
Talking about safty and security
(This is the last segment for this show)
(approx. 00 min.)



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